Beta Test
Annabeth Albert
4.5 Stars
So yes, this is the second in the series...and while the story no longer focuses on Mark and does include them. And this they were just amazing. Seeing their relationship so strong and trusting was perfect and while they bicker and argue at times, there is no doubt of their love for each other. Mark was even kinkier and more open than ever before and his "big brother" relationship with Brandon was so wonderful and downright hilarious. From the pot smoking discussions in the shed to discussing Mark's fetish for women's undergarments to him handing out breathe mints to Brandon on a bus ride...His scenes were priceless!
The central couple here though was the adorable virgins Brandon and Alex..and this virginal love was just awkwardly perfect. Brandon's journey was so touching...heartbreaking and hilarious and him finding love with this adorable nerd was just fantastic and definitely a story I will revisit many times in the future.
And then there's Blake. What's not to love about this guy?? Absolutely nothing. The most loyal and caring friend with the heart of gold. Yes...he's got issues with bathroom doors, but that only adds to his charm.
In the end...I needed ended far to quickly. I can only hope for another book in this series...perhaps even with our straight and adorable Blake..just give me equal parts of Mark/Deacon and Brandon/Alex and I'd be giddy giddy.

Thanks Momo and Elsbeth for joining me in the fun.