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MM Lover who is never afraid of casting David as her book boyfriend of the day.

The Race for Second

The Race for Second - Chase Potter 4.5 stars

Well...I have to say that it's hard to not add a book to my TBR list when a fellow GR friend gushes over a book, but this is one of those times. So thanks to Marco for this one...see review here. Not only did I find the story intriguing but the fact that the setting was portrayed accurately in its descriptions and dialect to a German reader, made me pick this one up all the quicker. There is nothing more frustrating than a place being portrayed inaccurately...I'm from Nashville, Tennessee...believe me we know about inaccuracies. Freiburg, became a central character for me, rich in architecture, history...and of course food.

While a M/M read, this one was different and really focused more on the relationship and not the romance between our two leads. Heartfelt and beautiful, I was was captivated from the start.