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MM Lover who is never afraid of casting David as her book boyfriend of the day.

The 13th Hex: A Hexworld Short Story - Jordan L. Hawk

A great start and introduction to Rook and Dominic. ❤️❤️❤️  I love magic and these two have quite a connection. Looking forward to a full length book as this snippet was just too damn short. 

Reading progress update: I've read 50%.

The 13th Hex: A Hexworld Short Story - Jordan L. Hawk

His skin hummed, still attuned to Rook, and Rook to him, and their hearts beat like caged birds against their ribs.



Reading progress update: I've read 19%.

The 13th Hex: A Hexworld Short Story - Jordan L. Hawk

For better or worse, the printing press had proved unable to create hexes capable of containing magic. Something about the act of drawing them by hand gave them magical potential. 


Great start!

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

I need a minute. Review to come. 

Reading progress update: I've read 100%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

❤️❤️❤️ Absolutely amazing. I'm a teary mess. ❤️❤️❤️

Reading progress update: I've read 84%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

“You show me the real me.”



Reading progress update: I've read 71%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

Reading progress update: I've read 59%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

“I haven’t seen it in my dreams,” I admitted. “But I feel it here.” I put his hand to my heart. “For the first time in a long time, I have hope in here.”

He smiled the most beautiful smile. “As do I.”

Blood & Milk

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker ❤️❤️❤️ Absolutely amazing. I'm a teary mess. ❤️❤️❤️

Status Updates:
The hardest thing about saying goodbye to someone was seeing them every night in the my dreams. It was my most favourite, and equally dreaded, part of my day.

I knew homosexuality was regarded as sin here, but all I read were harmless words on a screen from the other side of the world. To hear it spoken by a man, who could very well report my questions to the village elders, in a village that could very well kill me, was something else entirely. It wasn’t the fear of being killed that stopped me from back-pedalling, it was that I was unwilling to lie. I had been through too much, I had lost too much to deny the part of me that cost the most.

“I haven’t seen it in my dreams,” I admitted. “But I feel it here.” I put his hand to my heart. “For the first time in a long time, I have hope in here.”
He smiled the most beautiful smile. “As do I.”


“You show me the real me.”


Reading progress update: I've read 34%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

I knew homosexuality was regarded as sin here, but all I read were harmless words on a screen from the other side of the world. To hear it spoken by a man, who could very well report my questions to the village elders, in a village that could very well kill me, was something else entirely. It wasn’t the fear of being killed that stopped me from back-pedalling, it was that I was unwilling to lie. I had been through too much, I had lost too much to deny the part of me that cost the most.

Reading progress update: I've read 13%.

Blood & Milk - N.R. Walker

The hardest thing about saying goodbye to someone was seeing them every night in the my dreams. It was my most favourite, and equally dreaded, part of my day.  

Double Full

Double Full - Kindle Alexander 1%
Probably not the best move to go without a condom, but he couldn’t find it in him to care right now.
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh. Yeah...hopefully we get an explanation because right now I have nothing but...
I need to put this one aside. My fellow trusted readers love this, so perhaps its just the wrong book after my Kage high...but disregard for condom in the first scene followed by "making love" statement in their first conversation is just not working for me right now. Sorry girls.

Opportunity: Kingdom of Ara: Episode Three (The New Haven Series Book 18)

Opportunity: Kingdom of Ara: Episode Three (The New Haven Series Book 18) - Heidi Ryan, Nicholas Bella
Once again I am blown away...and will be left staggering around until more comes.  Sad that this series will come to an end so soon but very excited for Odin Chronicles and what I hope is more of Josef and his pack.


I have never been more nervous about a Bella book than I am this one. 

BR with my fellow Bellaholic, Els...today!!!


Reading Updates:


I'm a nervous wreck.


My lungs felt like they were closing in on me as I fought to breathe. I felt it… the loss of one of my sons.


Never did I think I would be this emotional.


He knew this gangbang wasn’t going to be anything nice, but he wasn’t going to defy me.
Oh yes...
Elsbeth and I are ready!!


I am loving the hell out of Josef. <3 <3 <3<br/>image
Matthew Ericsson


Manipulating people who aren’t aware they are being manipulated is a precarious game and takes great skill and leverage. It just so happens I’m a master at it. -Theoden

Will & Patrick's Happy Ending (Wake Up Married Book 6)

Will & Patrick's Happy Ending (Wake Up Married Book 6) - Alice  Griffiths, Leta Blake Well, I cried WAAAAAYYYY more than I ever dreamed I would. This last book took its toll on me emotionally and it was so perfectly written. I absolutely love this couple.

Review to come!

Status Updates:

“You never looked at Ryan the way you look at Patrick.”
“How do I look at him?”
“Like he hung the sun and moon just for you.” Jax nudges Will’s foot. “And you know he would if he could.”
I'm a mess.


Will & Patrick Meet the Mob (Wake Up Married Book 5)

Will & Patrick Meet the Mob (Wake Up Married Book 5) - Alice  Griffiths, Leta Blake 4.5 Stars

Phew! I highlighted so much of this one!!! My heavens...Patrick is just beyond amazing. I am sad to be onto the final installment but eager to see the happily ever after as well. ❤️❤️❤️

Series review to come!

Status Updates:

“Don’t you have enough pieces of me already?”
They stare at each other and Will only has one thought— I want all of you—

“She’s got terrible odds and she knows it. But she’s brave. I admire that. And she smiles when I walk into a room. No one smiles when I walk into a room. But Addison does. And you do.”
*dead dead dead*

Snowed In

Snowed In - Teodora Kostova
Apparently we have been good this year. :) As Teo decides to drop these two beauties into our Christmas Stocking...



I love this woman's writing!! A lovely holiday goodie with just a touch of ansgt, one of the hottest first sex scenes between two long time friends that I have read, a beautiful reconnection, a snowed in cabin and lots of sexy treats. Emotional and heartfelt. I'll look forward to reading this one again.

BR with my fellow Beta Readers Marco, Nathan and Marte...what fun. Honored to have this opportunity.